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Class Registration

Course Information

Start Date of the class

Student Information

You must provide an email address in order to receive your dipolma.

Terms & Conditions

I, the undersigned, in consideration of receiving firearms training, instruction, and/or facility usage provided by WRIGHT SHOOTING CONCEPTS, LLC, including its officers, owners, agents, and employees (together, “Instructor”) hereby release and hold harmless Instructor from any and all claims, causes of action or other liability for injury or damages arising from my participation in firearms training provided by Instructor, including any claims based on the negligence of Instructor or the negligent or intentional acts of third parties. I do further covenant, warrant and agree not to institute any suit or proceeding, whether in law or in equity, arising from or connected with any loss, injury or damage that I may sustain as a result of the firearms training provided by the Instructor. 

I understand I will be participating in a firearms training class provided by Instructor and do so at my own risk acknowledging that firearms are inherently hazardous, and voluntarily assuming the known and unknown risks inherent in the use of firearms and participation in shooting activities, which may result in physical injury, emotional injury, and/or property damage, whether or not the extent of potential damage or injury is foreseeable to me. I acknowledge that the risks of shooting activities may include but are not limited to high noise levels with potential to cause hearing injury; fired bullets, ejected casings, and other projectiles which may cause eye injury or other injury; firearm malfunctions leading to burns or explosive injury; the risk of shooting myself or being shot, which may lead to severe injury, paralysis, and death; and the risk of exposure to heat or severe burns and of exposure to contaminants such as lead, even in the ordinary operations of firearms without accident or malfunction. 

I acknowledge that the Instructor has no duty to provide or perform first aid or rescue on my behalf in the event of any accident or injury while I am participating in firearms instruction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, I also consent to any emergency medical care reasonably necessary due to any accident or incident occurring in the course of firearms instruction, and release and hold harmless Instructor for any injury, loss, or damage suffered by me as a result of emergency medical care efforts rendered in good faith, acknowledging that Instructor is not a medical professional and does not possess nor shall be held to a standard to know or utilize any specialized medical skill. 

I acknowledge that Instructor has made no warranty whether express or implied as to the design, manufacture, condition, or fitness of any firearms, ammunition, equipment, or course/range facilities (the “Equipment”) to be utilized in the course of firearms training, including no such warranty as to any personal protective equipment such as eye or ear protection. I accept all such equipment as-is with no warranty whatsoever provided by Instructor, assuming the risk of any patent or latent defect that may exist, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Instructor for any loss or damage suffered by me due to failure or misuse of any such equipment. If I am providing my own firearm or other equipment for the firearms instruction in which I am enrolled, I assume all responsibility and liability for any loss suffered by any person due to the failure, malfunction, or misuse of my equipment, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Instructor for the same. 

I acknowledge that firearms instruction may involve close physical contact with other persons which may heighten my risk of contracting COVID-19 or other serious illness. I assume this risk and hold harmless Instructor for any loss or damage I incur due to such illness. 

I have reviewed and am familiar with local, state, and federal law concerning the lawful possession and use of firearms and warrant to Instructor that I am not prohibited under any law, judgment, or court order from possession or using a firearm on the dates and at the locations necessary for the firearms instruction in which I am enrolled. I will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Instructor from any loss, damage, civil, and/or criminal liability arising from any violation of any law or court order by me concerning the possession or use of a firearm. While I am responsible for full compliance with all applicable laws and Instructor does not provide a comprehensive list or schedule of applicable firearms laws, I specifically warrant that I have reviewed the basic list of prohibited persons enumerated at and affirm no such restrictions apply to me.

I agree that the relationship between myself and Instructor, together with this agreement and all other written materials pertaining to the firearms instruction, shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Florida, and without regard to conflicts of law provisions of other jurisdictions. I consent to the venue of any dispute or claim arising out of this agreement or my relationship with Instructor being in St. Johns County, Florida (or the Middle District of Florida for any Federal Court action), and agree that in any claim or action involving myself and Instructor, both I and Instructor shall waive the right to and shall not seek a jury trial. 

I, the undersigned, hereby agree that the terms of this Agreement have been completely read and are fully understood and voluntarily accepted by me for the purpose of making a full and final settlement of any claims, disputed or otherwise, that may arise on account of injuries, loss and/or damages in connection with the above-mentioned firearms training, instruction, and/or facility usage, and for the express purpose of precluding forever any further or additional claims arising out of a possible accident. This release shall be binding upon me and my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.

By signing below, you agree with the above terms and conditions.

Range Safety

  • Treat all firearms as if they were LOADED.

  • Keep your finger off the TRIGGER, until you are ready to shoot.

  • ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.

  • Always keep the gun UNLOADED until ready for use.

  • The use of a firearm against another person is considered “DEADLY FORCE.” 

  • I agree to be guided by my SOP, Local, State, and Federal laws.

  • Firearms “Techniques” will be taught in this course, not “Rules of Engagement.”

  • Should I violate one of the Firearms Safety Rules, I will discontinue from attending this course WITHOUT refund. I understand that safety is my responsibility.

  •  If I use an “Inside the Waistband” holster, I WILL keep my finger OFF the TRIGGER while drawing and re-holstering. 

By signing below, you agree with the above terms and conditions.

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